Sonntag, 24. November 2013 (ab 16 Uhr):
„A Tribute to African Music“ mit Reyenne
Wende Sawadogo und Horst Senegal

„Hello Africa, tell me how you doing“ – Reyenne Wende Sawadogo aka Tüm Buktu & Horst Senegal tributieren der afrikanischen Musik in allen Spielarten (von Ethno über Blues bis Hip Hop!).
The different regions and nations of Africa have distinct musical traditions, given the vastness of the continent. The music of North Africa for the most part has a distinct history from sub-Saharan African music traditions. The music and dance of the African diaspora, formed to varying degrees on African musical traditions, include American music and many Caribbean genres, such as soca, calypso and zouk. Latin American music genres such as the samba, rumba, salsa, and other clave (rhythm)-based genres, were also founded to varying degrees on the music of enslaved Africans, and have in turn influenced African popular music.

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