„Beyond The Dance Pt.2“
Groovintella & Niko Tzoukmanis

Groovintella erzählt eine Mix-Geschichte von House zu Detroit zu Disco. Niko Tzoukmanis (Flambient / Libreville) spielt Detroit Techno / Electro und Oldschool Classics…

“ Last year the two music enthusiasts were already together under the same context. Both have many intersections in common, but both complement each other also. One of the things they have in common is that they were both very influenced by music from Motorcity Detroit.
Last time it was a damn good time. So here we go again!
Techno, house and all that jazz at is best. The word even got around to Seoul Central Station. (see attached pic) enter the waggon in offenbach am kulturgleis and keep a touch from the spirit of hightechsoul!“
Ab 20 Uhr

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