Freitag, 2. Juni 2o17 (ab 21 Uhr):

Second German-Japanese-Super-Session feat.
Morihide SAWADA
Maxim ENGL
Oliver KAIB
Torstn KAUKE
Annette HIRZ

Another meeting with japanese percussion artist Morihide Sawada who this times brings along his friend, bass-player Rie Mikazaki from Tokio (both played in the japanese Psychedelic/ Hardrock Band MARBLE SHEEP). They will play and improvise together with our usual local KRAUTS: Maxim Engl (guitar player from ephemeroL/Frankfurt), Oliver Kaib (experimental solo guitar and one half of MATERIALEINSCHUECHTERUNG/ Offenbach). Torstn Kauke (the other half of MATERIALEINSCHUECHTERUNG/ Offenbach) and Annette Hirz (EIN BETT IM MINENFELD-DJ-Team / ABSCHNITT 55)

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