Sonntag, 23. November 2014 (ab 19:30 Uhr):
ACHTUNG Sonntags-Konzert! Beginn ca. 19:30 – 20 Uhr!!!
ORDRE ETERN (die vor drei Jahren schon mal im Waggon spielten, damals noch unter dem Namen QA‘A) modifizieren Schlagzeug und Gitarre zu metallischem Percussions und formen einen desolaten mechanischen Alptraum mit Pauken und sowjetischen Synthesizern. COÀGUL schafft mit Synthesizer, Gesang und Glocken eine minimalistische Industrial-Musik mit spanischem Gesang, die zugleich mittelalterlich-esoterisch erscheint.
Ordre Etern
„Ordre Etern is formed by the members of ex psychedelic noise band Qa’a, Víctor Hurtado and Yarei Molina. They modify drums and guitar to ressemble metallic percussions and debris and together with tímpani and soviet synthesisers create a desolate mechanical nightmare. The music is guided by visceral vocals sung in Catalan and Spanish that portray dystopian themes and reflect on the duality of human nature. The band are presenting their first record which premiered at Sónar festival in Barcelona last June. Hurtado, on his part, also has projects and has collaborated with artists such as Jochen Arbeit (Einstürzende Neubauten) and Nurse With Wound under his solo moniker Huan.“
„Coàgul is the musical moniker of visual artist Marc O’Callaghan. With synth, vocals and bells he creates minimalist industrial music which at the same time seems medieval, almost rural, with chants and proclamations of lyrics from dark esoteric poems in Catalan. With an aesthetic between black metal and David Tibet, his themes are plagued with ancestral Mediterranean symbology, references to Tarot, surrealism and old secrets, and through all this he still manages to sound punk! This is Coàgul’s first European tour presenting his first LP „La Roda de la Justícia“ after playing festivals such as Sónar and collaborating live with Pharmakon at the CCCB (Centre of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona).“

ACHTUNG Sonntags-Konzert! Beginn ca. 19:30 – 20 Uhr!!!
ACHTUNG Sonntags-Konzert! Beginn ca. 19:30 – 20 Uhr!!!