Montag, 13. April 2015 (ab 21 Uhr):
(Leider der einzig mögliche Termin, aber am nächsten Tag zu spät zur Arbeit/Uni/Schule zu kommen lohnte selten mehr…- „You won’t find any moments of dullness on this!“).
PRETTY HURTS is a new 3-piece rager that hails from Berlin. They easily combine punk rock with noise, melody and with different layers of post hardcore. And they get away with it! These nervous half a dozen tracks on their debut 12″ ‚Make Graves‘ on Aachens finest Rockstar Records sound like an angrier version of some DC Bands during the ‚Revolution Summer‘ mixed with post-modern scandinavian noise bands. You won’t find any moments of dullness on this!