Sonntag, 26. Juli 2015 (ab ca. 19:30 Uhr):
“Dearly Beloved’s monströse bassgetriebene und energiegeladene Art und ihr gesangliches Zusammenspiel hat zu Vergleichen mit The Pixies, X und mit The Ramones geführt.” An der Gastgitarre ein alter Bekannter für Waggonexperten: Eamon McGrath!
DEARLY BELOVED is a monster of a band. Echoing through the snowy valleys and the jagged edges of the Great White North come the rapid, urgent bass lines of Rob Higgins and the confrontational wails of co-vocalist Niva Chow. The pair drive their music forward like an apocalyptic oil tanker from some Mad Max-ian dystopic future… Their influence has as much to do with Fear and Black Flag as it does Queens and Sabbath, mixing the speed and primal energy of hardcore punk with the brooding atmosphere of psych rock. All you need to know about Dearly Beloved is that they create their own world every time out and when they play live it is a gigantic rumble, resonating somewhere deep within the earth below you: it shakes the foundations of your soul, and it might be one of the loudest sounds you’ve ever heard.